Saturday, July 16, 2011


The mountains
that keep you
were hidden-

entangled in
the skies, in the earth,
in warm sways of currents
atop foaming
wave crests and clouds;
in gummy envelopes
of moss that
merged into the mountains’
deepest pores and
sought the water stored
at the bottom of
their long arms.

The evening always
seemed a mystery,
its edges faded to
purple tatters
after the sun sank.

Then the summer seas
roiled.  And
all the storms,
reflected on
the brightness
of the ocean’s face,
coalesced into a
fantastic night-
breeze, a midnight hurricane
that dreamed up all the islands;
that dreamed of volcanic eruptions
in the landscape among the stars.

From the pacing of the
islands’ graceful rounds
around the mountains
the morning streaked the
sky with yellow and orange-

while the far-off sea
waved in time to their pulse.

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