Saturday, October 15, 2011


a clear globe or
silver structure in space
hangs from threads
threaded like silk,
and distant sounds of bells
in the distance.
inside slim images
revolve and careen upon
what seems to some
a screen a wave
of rain moving
inland engulfs
sits still washing
in a stream begins to
with favored eyes
go forward and more toward

Friday, October 14, 2011

a great wind

what kind of sacred images
do you have? said
the one important
man to the other.
All types replied
a by now entirely tired
of haggling soft
or often strong voice
and this action
recalled first every
other word he’d ever spoken
and then,
only the words of deep love
and after that a thousand
images formed from silence
were called back into
the world. And it’s
all of that that the
first and profoundly religious man
missed and walked out
onto the street alone.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

hand in hand

checkered quilts
and thin made-of-air
veils adorned
the procession.
Mostly drunk
on wine the revelers
spun through the winding
streets of our
ancient city
and they always stopped
at each apartment
to give gifts
of flowers and food.
Honeysuckle, raw leaf
and raw grass, millions
of petals and even feathers
fanned down on lucky
citizens, that
was a big festival!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

green whose color is wrapped

up; can see or
seen to be
wrapped up in a shell
whose very seeds
only spread outward,
under a brightly dawning
sun walk into it forget it.
Rolling backward
traversing cavernous pitches
catches brightly lit
squares of colors dawning
again colors bleeding into
one another once more
of with sweeping
swaying glances overcome me
jumping ledges off to
taste to

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

oh waves

leaping at me now,
rather you would just
lap at my feet
then bite my tongue.
but if what you do
is the only all
you can,
then i’ll stand among you
and love your leaps
and bounds, grow old
and tired and wise
with your salty taste
a mile long upon my memory.

Monday, October 10, 2011

the impressiveness toward it resounds

hung across layers
of sky in the fashion
of that day windows
the rational and always
foremost thoughts open grown
now to greater heights
and underswayingleaves
the sea appeared, dreaming
straight into the sun
and hugging even greater
guarding the entrance
what he asked then.
The significance
clearest dreaming hills
under by streams upon
hills mountains

Sunday, October 9, 2011


kings handed out presents
to other kings,
queens and other people
received til they could
receive no more.
simple sorts of stories
told all month long
to the sound of trains
distantly running.
With palms open and out-
stretched presents
can be exchanged

Saturday, October 8, 2011

oblivioussing, canvassing

the normal step
is short,
met with quick glimpses
and occasional
wide eyes,
going toward the harbor
a haven
a port of entry.
the faster style
of step passes
unseen and grows,
with fleet feet,
toward the peaks
of most mountains.

Friday, October 7, 2011

look at just this

on plains and
before doors
when rain comes
the place empties,
with growing force
but less tension
striking a meeting,
casting money around
like true wealth.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

the real material

instead of stuff
it’s made of tough
always-yielding stuff
giving in to the real
thought now:
go! go! go! and
never, ever with what-
ever think…
or start or
stop, my thought…

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

moving always

born moving,
thrown into the wind
and there
speaking withit
all animals sleep,
words will daze as well.
or instead of light
nighttime exists too
the two of them
the other certainty.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

they were more for flying

your quickest thought
will save the next stop.

our last stop was
red with content,
the lions dove in lakes

but bears love honey,
or perhaps the lights
are beneath us…

with questioning looks
hawks and lions gave up

their steady gazes
to fall
so deep
into the sea
to sink as farther
as possible i
love i see de nuevo
de nuevo de nue-
a new idea.

Monday, October 3, 2011

close to undertows multiplying

grew in the shade
of a tall tree
and caressed the leaves there,
and fit the hand to
the bark.
With time
comes everything
in time and in time
to the music.
Under the pull
of the sea
it’s easy to be
drowsy on its sigh,
nitetime in the eyes
and boundlessly comfortable
wrapped in
an ultimate form a
shape of infinite undress
and colored silkworms
and spiders butterflies
multiplying freely,
hugeness blooming.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

institute intuit

now that
i’ve stopped
by here to smell
and to touch;
now that i can
smell the rain
falling gently
a rain drop touches
my nose- a kiss
we make together.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

the arco iris we've come to

pots of gold?
and still fotos
creeper upon the vine
move, we arrived
last night
yet sounds of water
still resound
and in more stills
or moments
the new sound
breath of summer
night rebounds.